Variety is the spice of life.......and the art room! I love to provide my students with the opportunity to experience various materials and to see the many different ways there are to create. In this age of technology, its real work to capture the attention of students and to show them everything worth doing doesn't always involve a computer or some sort of screen to sit in front of.
Here are my top 5 projects:
Newspaper straw sculptures. I have used this activity for years during Family Art Nights, Parent Art Days and at art day camps with students in grades 2nd through 5th and it is always a success. A great collaborative project!
Painting on Canvas. Students love to use canvas. It gives them a professional feeling and work just looks amazing done on this support. I've used canvases on many projects where the culminating activity was to hold an evening event. Love, love, love canvas.
Felting. I've done felting with all age levels including kindergarten and they all enjoy working with this material. I like to do this activity in the spring to coincide with spring sheep sheering. They learn how wool is gathered, different ways to dye the wool and all the various ways people use wool. Our projects involve natural and kool aid dying and a collaborative "story quilt"
Chalk Pastels. The vibrant colors of chalk pastels make it a favorite with students. I use chalk pastels with 2nd through 5th grade and each level does an impressive job. Chalk pastels are a hit with families too. I find that these are some of the most "framable" of all projects probably due to the awesome color.
Paper Mache! Most art teachers I know steer clear of paper mache because of the mess and space required for sculptures to dry. Its true. Its a big mess but if you love it like I do, you will just go with the flow and enjoy the crazy ride. Students LOVE paper mache even when they moan about the gooey, stickiness of it!